You can read our install guide below, navigate our FAQ or you can directly contact us if you need specific help in installing, configuring or using WubTitle. Suggestions or ideas for new features are welcome too.
How to install
Installing Wubtitle requires just a few steps to follow:
1. Go to the Wubtitle GitHub page
2. Click the green “Code” button, then click the “Download ZIP” button
3. Now go to the “Plugins” page in your WordPress back office
4. Click the “Add New” button Now
5. Click the “Upload Plugin” button and choose the previously downloaded .zip file
6. Activate Wubtitle from the “Plugins” page
7. You’re ready to go!
Monitoring usage
After installing the plugin, you will find a “Wubtitle” section at the bottom of the sidebar inside the wordpress dashboard. Here you will be able to monitor Wubtitle usage and upgrade your plan.
Upgrade to Pro
Monitoring usage will give you an idea of your specific needs, so you will be able to choose the right Pro Plan accordingly. Should Pro Plans do not match your actual needs, you can request a Custom Plan writing us at using the subject line “Wubtitle Custom Plan Request”.
Tell us how we can help
Describe the issue or leave a suggestion. We’ll check it and give you a feedback asap.
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Get transcriptions in seconds
Tired of manually transcribing your videos?
Wubtitle saves your time and do the hard work for you. Just upload your videos and generate a transcription powered by cutting edge natural language processing algorithms!